Mini Modern Sours Box

Mini Modern Sours Box


Mini Version of Our Modern Sours Box

Pisco Sours, White Lady, Rosemary & Rhubarb Sours

Pisco Sours - ABA Pisco, Angostura Bitters, Sugar Syrup & Fresh Lemon Juice (16% ABV)

White Lady - Broker’s Gin, Angostura Bitters, Sugar Syrup & Fresh Lemon Juice (13% ABV)

Rosemary & Rhubarb Sours - Rosemary-Infused Broker’s Gin, Rhubarb Syrup, Sugar Syrup & Fresh Lemon Juice (16% ABV)

3 x 100ml Bottles / Makes 3 Large Cocktails / Approx £5 per Cocktail

All our Cocktails come with garnishes, instructions can be found on the label

Shelf life 10 days from arrival

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