Mini Classic Sours Box

Mini Classic Sours Box


Mini Version of Our Classic Sours Box

Pisco Sours, Whiskey Sours, Amaretto Sours

Pisco Sours - ABA Pisco, Angostura Bitters, Sugar Syrup & Fresh Lemon Juice (16% ABV)

Whiskey Sours - Paddy’s Whiskey, Angostura Bitters, Sugar Syrup & Fresh Lemon Juice (14% ABV)

Amaretto Sours - Lazzaroni Amaretto (Nuts and Eggs), Angostura Bitters, Sugar Syrup & Fresh Lemon Juice (15% ABV)

3 x 100ml Bottles / Makes 3 Large Cocktails / Approx £5 per Cocktail

All our Cocktails come with garnishes, instructions can be found on the label

Shelf life 10 days from arrival

Please be aware our Amaretto Sours contains Nuts and Eggs

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